Just like the tip of the nose, the chin is one of the major elements that form the shape of the face. It is important that the chin is proportional to the other parts of the face, which is why most often chin operations are performed in parallel with nose operations. In cases where chin is located backwards in comparison to nose when looked from the profile, chin-nose alignment can be achieved with filling inserted on the chin.
It is important that before these procedures, an Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon must perform assessments. Intake of aspirin and similar drugs must be stopped at least 2 days before the operation. Smoking is not recommended for a while before and after the operations. And nothing must be eaten for at least 6 hours before an operation under general anesthesia.
It is rare for the patient to stay in hospital following short operations. Chin prosthetics is usually inserted through a small incision either from inside the mouth or under the jaw. Depending on the patient’s conditions, these operations can be performed with local or general anesthesia.
However, there can be certain complication for silicon filing or chin trimming operations. Following chin trimming operations, since the muscles holding to the chin can no longer pull and attach back ideally, it is possible that a rash or rough appearance can occur on the skin. Similarly, following silicon filling operations, there can complications; the tissue may display allergic reaction to the fillings, the immune system might reject the filling or the filling material may slide.
For these reasons, it may be possible to achieve a more permanent aesthetic look with miniplates and platinum-implants. Since these materials are compatible with the human body, there usually is no need for removal afterwards.
What are the risks of the operation? What must be expected post-Operation?
Small swellings may appear on the chin following the operation and they are expected to pass within a few days. Usual eating habits may resume following in mouth operations with no major changes. Patients are asked to perform periodic mouth washing following the operation. During chin operations, the area is accessed via small incisions made inside the mouth and gum tissue, and this operation area is rich with important nerves which control lips and chin area. It is crucial to perform this operation without damaging the nerves. Completing the operation without causing temporary or permanent lip paralysis on the patient should be one of the main goals of the operation. Gum tissue recovery may take up to a week depending the patient.