The Clarification Text



As Birkan Özkan Clinic (Dr. Birkan Taha Özkan) which get active at the address “Limonluk Mah. İsmet İnönü Bulv. Yusuf Yigit Apt. “No:181/2 Yenişehir/MERSİN/TÜRKİYE”, we attach great importance to the privacy and protection of your personal data and try to take the highest possible level of security measures for the processing and preservation of your data.
Your personal data can be recorded, stored, updated, classified verbally, in writing or electronically within the framework described below, within the scope of the “Personal Data Protection Law”( in short PDPL) numbured 6698 may be disclosed and/or transferred to individuals and/or abroad and processed in other ways listed in the PDPL.
The Personal Data Protection and Processing Policy applies to all personal data obtained and processed regarding natural persons, including but not limited to practice employees, patients, suppliers and visitors.


-Identity data; Name, Surname, T.C. Identity number, passport or foreigner identification number if any, date of birth, gender, marital status information, identity card, photocopy of passport or driver’s license, insurance number and information
-Contact data; mobile phone number, e-mail address, residence address, workplace address
-Special categories of personal data; Photograph on the identity card, passport or driver’s license, health data (systemic disease consent form, laboratory and radiography imaging results, blood group, test results, examination information, prescription information, disease, alcohol and substance abuse information, pregnancy information for women, genetics) health data obtained during the execution of medical diagnosis, treatment and care services such as health risk information), appointment and examination data, data in the consent form
-Financial Data; Bank account number and IBAN information, credit card information, private health insurance data
-Operating data; Occupation, title, workplace, department, working type data,
-Visual and audio data; Photographs, audio recordings, camera audio and video recordings,
-Website/application usage data; User’s on-site activities, IP addresses, usernames


Your personal data is collected according to the processing conditions specified in the relevant legislation for Correct application of medical diagnosis and treatment, Sharing the requested information with the Ministry of Health and other public institutions and organizations in accordance with the relevant legislation, Providing health services in accordance with the legislative framework, Maintaining and developing our activities, monitoring and preventing abuse and unauthorized transactions, answering all questions and complaints regarding the health services provided/to be provided to the patient by the Clinic, Making appointments and informing the patient about this issue, Fulfilling the legal and regulatory requirements, Increasing the quality of service, Sharing the information requested with the private insurance companies within the scope of the question of plausibility, , Supporting and communicating with the patient within the scope of the contract, Creating a contract, Controlling the contract, data and rights of the patient upon request and informing the patient, Creating and sending the invoice (E-invoice, E-archive, paper invoice) to the patient, Opening the patient’s record , creating, updating, deactivating the user name, management and control of the invoicing and payment process, fulfilling the work undertaken within the practice in accordance with the contract and laws, and in this context, Birkan Özkan Clinic in the contracts, Fulfilling the obligations arising from the law and the legislation fully and duly, Fulfilling the legal and regulatory requirements Personal data is collected in written, verbal or electronic form through automatic or manual methods, website, social media channels, call center, online services, WhatsApp, SMS, telephone and similar means. Your personal data can be created and updated as long as your relationship with our Clinic continues, and can be processed and kept in both digital and physical environment.

Our Clinic acts in accordance with the principles brought by legal regulations and general honesty rules in the processing of Personal Data. Your Personal Data is processed to the extent and limited to the activities of our Clinic and is not used for purposes other than the above-mentioned purposes.

Before obtaining the Personal Data, the relevant Data Owners are informed about the purpose for which the Personal Data will be processed, to whom and for what purposes the processed data can be transferred, the method/process of obtaining the Personal Data and the legal reason for obtaining it, the retention period and the measures taken. express consent is obtained.

Personal Data cannot be processed without the express consent of the person concerned; In the presence of one of the following conditions, it is possible to process the Personal Data without seeking the explicit consent of the person concerned:

– Explicitly stipulated in the law.
– The person who is unable to express his consent due to actual impossibility or whose consent is not given legal validity is compulsory for the protection of himself or someone else’s life or physical integrity.-Bir sözleşmenin kurulması veya ifasıyla doğrudan doğruya ilgili olması kaydıyla, sözleşmenin taraflarına ait Kişisel Verilerin işlenmesinin gerekli olması.
– It is mandatory for the Data Controller to fulfill his legal obligations.
– Relevant Person made public by himself.
– Data processing is mandatory for the establishment, exercise or protection of a right.
– Data processing is mandatory for the legitimate interests of the Data Controller, provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the Data Subject.

After obtaining the Personal Data from the data owner, all Clinic employees are jointly responsible for the legal processing and protection of Personal Data in the Clinic, in order to regulate its circulation within the Clinic ; In the event that violations are noticed, this situation is immediately reported to a superior employee.

Although it is essential not to process Special Quality Personal Data unless necessary, your Special Quality Personal Data are processed by our Clinic due to our field of activity. In this context, data processing is carried out in accordance with the conditions specified in the legislation in terms of Special Qualified Personal Data that we obtain as the Data Controller due to legal obligations in processes such as the creation of patient records, the execution of medical diagnosis and treatment services, and the creation of the personnel file of the employees. In accordance with article 28 of the PDPL; Personal data related to health and sexual life, which are within the scope of Special Quality Personal Data, can only be used by persons or authorized institutions and organizations that are under the obligation of confidentiality for the purpose of protecting public health, performing preventive medicine, medical diagnosis, treatment and care services, planning and managing health services and financing. may be processed without seeking the explicit consent of the person concerned.

In order to ensure the safety of life and property of the Clinic, the data owner and other persons and to increase our service quality, surveillance activities with security cameras in our Clinic building and thus Personal Data processing activities are carried out in accordance with the legislation. The data owner is illuminated with the camera regarding the monitoring activity. In addition, our practice processes this data in a limited, measured and purpose-related manner. Camera monitoring is not carried out in areas that may result in an intervention that exceeds the privacy and security purposes of the person.In order to increase the quality of use of the Data Owners visiting the website of the Clinic, some Personal Data of website visitors can be processed through the cookies used by the Clinic.

In the Clinic service building, log records of visitors who want to benefit from the internet access of the Clinic can be recorded by the Clinic in accordance with the Law numbered 5651 and other relevant legislation, especially the KVKK. These records can be shared with Third Party official institutions upon the request of authorized judicial and administrative public institutions and organizations.


The security of your data is a priority for our Clinic, and in this context, appropriate security measures are taken according to the quality and quantity of the data, and regular security controls are carried out in this connection.
Our clinic retains Personal Data for the period required for the purpose for which they are processed and for the legal period stipulated in the legal legislation to which the activity is subject. Personal Data is deleted, destroyed or anonymized in accordance with the data owner’s practice at the end of periodic destruction periods or specified storage periods.

It is essential that the data is collected in our Clinic and stored there under the responsibility of the Data Protection Officer. Data can be stored in a physical or digital environment, and services can be obtained from Third Party service providers when necessary.
All necessary precautions are taken by our Clinic in order to keep the data in a safe manner and to prevent the access of Third Parties, including other employees, except for the reasons required by the business, unless it is mandatory.

Our Clinic takes security (administrative and technical) measures in accordance with the legislation and the guide published by the Council, depending on the nature of the data to be protected, in order to prevent the unlawful disclosure, access, processing, transfer or other security weaknesses of the Personal Data.

In this context, undertakings received from practice employees, confidentiality agreements signed by employees,, K Clarification and Explicit Consent texts prepared to be submitted to the information of Data Owners in accordance with the Law, and all policies and procedures regarding the protection and processing of Personal Data enacted by the Clinic, adopted by the Clinic as an administrative measure.

Our Clinic has taken and is taking all kinds of administrative and technical measures necessary to protect the sensitive data it processes due to the activities it carries out, and keeps the sensitive personal data received in this context in locked cabinets, where a limited number of people can access, and in a computer environment where the password is known to certain people. Security of data processed in computerized data is protected by security software, anti virus programs and other information technology systems.

In cases where data is shared with third parties, the data security policies and technical competencies of these third parties are controlled by us.

Our Clinic acts in accordance with the obligations imposed by the legislation, Board decisions and related regulations about the transfer of Personal Data.

It is essential that the data is not shared with third parties, except for the Clinic employers, whose access to the data is mandatory, unless it is necessary for the activities of the Clinic.

Personal data, within the framework of the provisions of the legal regulations regarding this issue and provided that it is limited to the declared purposes can be shared with;
The Ministry of Health, sub-units of the ministry and family medicine centers.
– The Ministry of Health, sub-units and family medicine centers affiliated to the ministry,
– The Private insurance companies (health, retirement, life insurance, etc.),
– The Social Security Institution,
– The Turkish Pharmacists Association,
– The General Directorate of Population,
– The Judicial authorities and official authorities,
– Laboratories, medical centers, ambulances, medical devices and institutions providing health services in the domestic or abroad, in cooperation as a practice for medical diagnosis and treatment,
– In case of referral, with another health institution to which you were referred or to which you applied,
– Your legal representatives
– the third parties you get consultancy from, including the lawyers, tax consultants and auditors you work
– The regulatory and supervisory institutions and official authorities.

The Clinic can transfer the personal data it processes to other Third Parties, by taking all the security measures mentioned in the PDPL and the relevant legislation and in compliance with the legislation and regulations.

Without prejudice to the matters listed in the legislation regarding the possibility of the transfer of Personal Data without the consent of the data owner, personal data is not transferred to other persons without the explicit consent of the data owner, except in cases where the transfer of Personal Data to administrative and judicial institutions and organizations is obligatory as per the PDPL or relevant legislation.

Natural person data owners, whose personal data are processed by the Clinic, can use the following rights by applying to Clinic at , except for cases outside the scope of the law:
-Learning whether my Personal Data is processed or not,
– If my Personal Data has been processed, requesting information about it and learning to whom it has been revealed,
-Learning the purpose of processing my Personal Data and whether they are used in accordance with its purpose,
-Knowing the Third Parties to whom my Personal Data is transferred, at domestic or abroad,
– Requesting correction of my Personal Data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing and notification of this correction to the Third Parties, if any, to which the data is transferred,
– Requesting the deletion or destruction of Personal Data in the event that the reasons for the processing of my Personal Data disappear within the framework of the conditions stipulated in the Personal Data Protection Law, and requesting that this be notified to the third parties, if any, to which the data is transferred (Since personal data within the scope of health is obliged to be kept within the scope of the legislation, the right to be deleted will be evaluated in accordance with the Regulation on the Processing and Privacy of Personal Health Data and will be sent to the central database.)

I have been informed that I have the rights about;
– Objecting to the processing of my Personal Data in case of a result against me,
-Requesting the compensation of the damage in case I suffer damage due to the unlawful processing of my Personal Data.
In order to exercise your above-mentioned rights, you can personally submit your identity information, the right you want to use and your request, by filling out the Application Form on our website, to the address (Limonluk Mah. İsmet İnönü Bulv. No:181/2 Yenişehir/MERSİN/TÜRKİYE), notary public. or you can send it to our e-mail address [email protected] with a secure electronic signature.

E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +90 324 329 52 52

Your applications within this framework will be finalized within 30 days at the latest from the date the application is received by us. The applications in question are free of charge, and if the process requires an additional cost in accordance with the second paragraph of the 13th article of the law, the fee in the tariff determined by the Board will be collected by our practice.