Advanced Implant Treatment
Advanced implant treatment is a method developed to facilitate the difficulties caused by the bone loss resulting from past tooth removals and the side effects of this loss by strengthening the jaw bone for future implant treatments. One of the requirements of a successful implant treatment is to have sufficient bone density in the area of the planned implant. Advanced implant treatment surgery fulfills that requirement. The bone density loss occurring in the patient may necessitate bone tissue transplant to repair the damaged bone tissue.
What are the methods of advanced implant surgery?
There are many methods used in advanced implant surgery, which varies depending on the amount of thinning and the area of bone loss.
First one of these methods is the bone extension process and performed with special techniques and devices. This process takes very little time and can be performed together with implant treatment.
Additionally, in cases where bone thinning is not as significant, bone transplant, implanting process and membrane operations are performed simultaneously. Implant crowning can be done only after the implant is fused and adapted to the bone tissue.
In other cases, this method is based on basic principle of reinforcing the tinned bone tissue with natural or artificial bone material and coating It with a protective membrane. The material placed here will, in time, turn into natural bone structure, which may happen in 5-6 months. After this 5-6 months following bone transplantation, implant is placed. Overall this process takes about 9-10 months between bone tissue reinforcement and adaptation process, implant placement and fusing of the implant with the bone.
If the bone thinning appears on upper jaw back area and affects the sinuses, the process will include various sinus operations coupled with bone transplant and protective membrane applications, followed by implant placement.
If the bone thinning is in more advanced stages, based on the finding of the maxillofacial surgery specialist, a bone transplant may also be considered. Implant placement may be done together with the bone transplant operation or after a while, then implant placement and implant veneer operations are performed as normal.
What is the goal of advanced implant surgery?
The mail goal of this method is to ensure the long-term application of the implant, to reinforce the jaw bone and to repair the damage done to bone tissue. By ensuring a healthy infrastructure for the implant, a healthy and long-lasting upper implant structure can be maintained. This aims to provide the patient with a more aesthetically pleasing smile, effective mastication, proper speech and a healthier jaw bone by preventing further bone thinning.
Advanced implant surgery is one of the most functional and long-lasting solutions to bone thinning. Teeth loss will, in time, result with lessened chewing function and speech slurring. Implant surgeries, once considered by dental specialist as one of the more difficult operations is now a much easier procedure, thanks to the advancement in technology and advancements made in techniques, allowing dental specialists to perform these operations much easily. This method allows the patients to regain oral health much quicker and the implants offers a life-long and reliable medical solution.
How is the advanced implant surgery performed?
The bone material used in the advanced implant surgery method fuses with bone with time and becomes strong, natural bone, and is completely compatible with oral tissue. This method, which allows to create a strong bone tissue that can be used to anchor an implant, may require artificial materials or bone transfusion, and can be completed in one operation. It is important for the bone material to be used to be of high quality, to have the right chemical composition and physical properties in order to better adapt to the jaw bone. It must be stated that repeated surgical attempts and frequent operations may decrease the oral immune response and may increase risks of infection. Another goal of advanced implant surgery method, which champions for a comfortable surgical experience for the patients, is to keep the psycho traumas experienced by the patients in a minimum. The special material used in bone tissue is called polylactic acid, is a compound the human body is highly tolerant of, therefore safe to use and has no side- effects. Following the application of this material as a long-lasting, comfortable and safe solution, patients may continue their life and other treatments without any complications. Advanced implant surgery makes the implant treatment and veneer crowns as a viable treatment option to patients who suffer from insufficient bone density.
How long is the application time?
During the advanced implant surgery, if the bone thinning is minimal, the total time it takes to transplant bone material, to apply the membrane and install the implant may exceed the time it takes to simply install the implant. For cases with severe bone thinning and for cases requiring actual bone transplant, the application total time may vary depending on the contents of the operation. Surgical operation times may vary greatly depending on the patient’s bone structure and the number of teeth that will be operated on. Depending on the patient’s or the surgeon’s decision, the operation may be performed with local or general anesthesia.
Operations performed under local anesthesia last shorter than the ones performed under general anesthesia. Patients may shortly be discharged following operation under local anesthesia. However, the patients may have to be kept under observation for 4 to 5 hours following operations under general anesthesia. In both cases of surgery, the treatment does not take long. If everything goes according to plan, the treatment duration may vary between 1 to 9 months. During the implant’s adaptation phase to the jawbone, the patients may be required to take special drugs or to take extra caution regarding their oral hygiene. Periodic checks must not be neglected during this time. Patients who smoke, or patients with special conditions such as diabetes or heart problems may somewhat differ.
It is difficult to perform flapless implant operation with advanced implant treatment and the results may not be successful. Following advanced implant surgeries, patients are fitted with overdenture bar prosthesis or fixed veneers over their implants.