Flapless Implant

How the Flapless Implant is applied?

Nowadays, the goals of surgical operation are to obtain greater success rates and to perform smaller incisions. If certain conditions are met, Flapless Implant techniques can be used to achieve these goals

A standard panoramic radiograph used in normal procedures creates a 2D images detailing the width and length of the bone, which is not enough for the flapless implant procedure. 3D understanding of the operation area is required to determine size of the implant and where and at which direction the implant could be applied. Before the decision for the flapless implant application can be made, additional bone and gum analysis is performed by special Bone Calipers or with 3D tomography scans which are critical for this role, With the periodontal (gum) and bone analyses, the depth and radius of the bone and periodontal tissue can be determined in three dimensions.

With the Flapless implant operation, it is possible to correctly determine the size of the implant, and where exactly it will be placed at proper angulation, with the least amount of incisions performed on the patient’s gums.

By consciously avoiding the 3D Computer Tomography (CT) scans unless it is necessary, the patient is spared from the radiation doses and its possible harmful side effects. Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon will correctly inform the patients in that regard as needed.

Requiring a skillful surgical hand, Flapless implant technique can be called as a new generation surgical operation. This process is also known as closed surgery. With this technique, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon can plan the surgical operation beforehand by fully analyzing the bone structure of the patient and perform the operation without the need for large incisions.

Phases of Flapless Implant Application

1- 2D or 3D images of the patient’s oral area is taken.
2- 3D measurements of gum and bone area are done with special tools.
3- Patient’s dental and jaw structure is analyzed with computer and oral measurements.
4- The location, size and angle of the implant is planned based on these analysis results.
5- Gums are removed like small caps with special tools to reach the jaw bone tissue.
6- A hole of a specific size and depth is made on the hardest part of the bone, the compact tissue.
7- With a precision milling cutter, a slot is carved to match the size and depth of the implant, and the implant is then placed.
8- This whole operation can be performed very quickly, in about a minute.

1 Minute Laser Supported Implant Treatment

The average total operational duration of Laser supported flapless implant treatment is 1 minute. Detailed analysis regarding the operation allows for precise decision-making, which shortens the operation time. This Laser supported Flapless Implant technique has many advantages over Normal Implant Operation.

The Advantages
• Very short application time
• May not even be considered as surgery any more
• Only a very minuscule bleeding occurs since this is a closed surgery,
• Low risk of infection due to short operation time and light bleeding.
• Lessened need for painkillers due to short operation time and the technique’s advantage of preserving nearby gum and bone tissue.
• Quick gum recovery time, since there are no open wounds or stitches.
• Quite advantageous in terms of dental aesthetics, gum aesthetics and Smile Aesthetics since the technique is especially aimed at protecting the gums.
• The patients who had a stent or bypass operation performed in the past, patients suffering from hypertension or patients using blood thinner drugs are normally required to stop taking their usual drugs for a surgical operation, but with the Laser supported Flapless implant operation, these patients may receive dental treatment with this special technique under the supervision of their own physician, without having to frequently stop taking their drugs.
• Very quick operation time compared to standard implant treatments
• Patients with diabetes may prefer this treatment, since there are no large incisions made on the gums with a lessened risk of gum recovery complications.
• Swelling of the tissues caused by edema, which is common for normal dental treatments is almost unobservable with the Laser supported Flapless Implant application.
• Lessened feeling of pain for the patient during and after the operation, reduced need for painkillers.
• Since this is a laser supported and seam free procedure, antibiotics and painkillers can be taken on smaller doses, which makes this a liver and kidney friendly technique.
For those patients having a fear of dentists or fear of seeing blood, this technique can be quite beneficial, as the operation is completed in almost in a minute, it may help with the fear of dentists or fear of surgery.

Will there be pain after the operation?

There is almost no bleeding, swelling, pain or aches following the flapless implant operation. For some, there may not even be a need for painkillers after the operation. With the risk of chewed food irritating the operation area and the risk of stitches coming off are eliminated, food accidentally coming in contact with the gum is less painful, and much safer. With no open wounds or stitches, there is a lessened risk of infection on the gums. Thanks to the Laser supported Flapless implant technique, patient’s recovery time for joining active social life is considerably lessened.

Why the old Implant treatment techniques are still being used?

Laser supported flapless implant operation method is becoming more widespread with surgical experience. While the normal implant techniques are still used, with the spread of Laser Supported implant technique in our country, patients will experience a more comforting operation process. The normal implant technique with stitches is used in our clinic only for the patients where the jaw bone where the implants is to be applied has thinned beyond the critical point.