Tooth Removal

Toot removal can be performed for various reasons, however removal must be the final procedure that a dental specialist must perform; recovery of the tooth should be the top priority for any operation, while removal should be the last resort. While general public thinks that deep running cavities and teeth that develop abscess should be removed, there are root canal treatment with excessive tooth decay and teeth with multiple cavities, and aesthetic tooth filling treatment is suitable for low cavity development.

Thanks to the advancing technology, tooth removal is becoming an easier procedure. Patients with prejudice against tooth removal should first be informed about the process.

Causes for Tooth Removal

  • Teeth with advanced decay that could not be recovered with any treatment,
  • Teeth fractured and broken due to trauma that can’t be operated on,
  • Teeth without any function
  • teeth deemed unrecoverable even after a root canal treatment.
  • Loosened teeth due to gum tissue infection
  • Temporary teeth that remain in place
  • Teeth located inside a cyst or tumor
  • Teeth that are remain lodged inside (impacted) that would cause complications for the patient. Dental specialists
  • Usually wisdom teeth

Teeth broken during removal procedure

  • The molar teeth, especially if the roots are too far apart or curvy,
  • In cases where the bone has lost its elasticity
  • Patients with thick jawbones
  • teeth with insufficient surface to cling to may break

Teeth broken during removal is nothing to be afraid of. If the location is successfully numbed, the dental specialist can remove the broken parts with a surgical operation.

Things to do after tooth removal

  • Right after the removal, the area is covered with a cotton or fabric tampon by the dental specialist. This should be held in place by the patient clenching their jaw for the next 20-25 mins. This will ensure proper coagulation and healthy healing. This tampon should be changed regularly.
  • If pain is felt following a removal, painkillers should not be taken by the patient, and must refrain from taking aspirin as this will dilute the blood and delay coagulation.
  • Pain and bleeding is normal in the 24 hours following the removal. In cases of bleeding, gently bite a piece of cotton. If bleeding persists, see a dental specialist.
  • Refrain from consuming alcohol or tobacco in the 24 hours following the operation, as using these will delay healthy recovery and proper binding of the wound. Also try not to consume food that is too hot or too cold, these may cause the wound to reopen. Try to keep your tongue away from where the tooth was removed from.
  • You may use ice compress to prevent swelling and bruises if the removal procedure was difficult and painful.
  • Patients should not be afraid of tooth removal, thanks to the advanced technology and anesthetic solutions, patients need not feel any pain during the operation.

What can be done to avoid tooth removal?

There are many methods of treatment to avoid tooth removal. If the cavity and decay is small, the tooth can be restored with filling. If the cavity runs deep and infection has reached the tooth nerve, the tooth can still be saved with root canal treatment and filling.

For teeth that can’t be saved with root canal treatment, there are certain advanced methods used by oral & maxillofacial surgeons.

For teeth that can’t be restored with root canal treatment, the infected parts of the tooth and its root is removed, the rest of the tooth is left intact. The patient may use this tooth and the tooth is thus partially saved.

Another technique involves the removal of the tooth that root canal treatment has previously been tried on, the roots of the tooth is cleaned of any cysts and infections, and then inserted back into its location, the tooth is fixed with neighboring teeth for a while. During this procedure the tooth is expected to adopt with the bone tissue, thus the natural tooth is saved.

If a tooth is marked for certain removal, tooth transplant can be tried as a treatment. If despite root canal treatment a tooth must be removed, then another, less used tooth (such as a wisdom tooth or an impacted one) can be transferred to the removed tooth’s location. If the operation is successful and the transplanted tooth roots itself, it can be used for life with the proper care.

Considering there are many ways of saving a tooth, it must be stressed again that removal of a natural tooth is always a last resort. While every operation has a risk of complication, the rate of successfully recovering a tooth with these methods is quite high.

Your dental specialist will determine the best course of treatment for you and will direct you to a specialist oral & maxillofacial surgeon if necessary.