Detal Care For Children

Children undergo their first dental examination when they first teeth, this usually occurs between the 6-12 months after birth.  Children may not properly evaluate their pain sensitivity or their senses of warmth during their active teeth development periods, which may cause patients to ignore increasing pain and may lead to late detection and late treatment of certain problems.

Children’s attention to dental care and manual dexterity may not be as developed as adults and may neglect their dental hygiene. They may obtain proper care habits with their parents’ instructions. Unhealthy eating habits in younger ages may cause cavities in quite short times. The fact that temporary teeth contains more organic materials compared to the permanent ones may further contribute to cavity formation.

Treatment and prevention of dental problems in children constitutes one of the major goals of preventive dental care. Preventive dental specialists play an important role in assessing the child’s cavity formation risk status and in preparing a preventative protection program following the first consultation.

As part of preventive treatments, children may receive Fluor treatment and fissure covering treatments. These treatment options are the initial steps in dental and oral health care in children. It is wrong to assume that temporary teeth would not require dental filling in case of cavities, on the contrary, healthy temporary teeth are crucial for the child’s future oral and dental health.

Dental Specialists and parents have certain responsibilities in keeping the children’s dental health.

  • Children must learn the habit of proper brushing before the age of 5
  • Children must have healthy eating habits
  • It is important to preserve the temporary teeth
  • If the child has any dental problems, this will make itself apparent with pain following meals. In order to prevent further deterioration of dental health, it is important to check the child’s dental health with questions.

For Children’s oral and dental problems, while treatment is quite important, preventative measures are even more effective. By applying fissure covers on teeth that have risk of developing cavities, tooth decay can be prevented and Fluor application can strengthen the child’s teeth against bacterial acids. In cases of advanced cavities, tooth filling is an effective treatment method.

Teeth Deformities in Children

In cases of teeth deformity, children dental braces is an option to maintain a healthy teeth structure and to obtain a proper appearance.